Tuesday, January 24, 2006

In true friendship there is no pay back. There is just the knowing that someone is there for you when you need them. To make you smile on days when a smile is hard to make. Someone to support you...

Today I picked up a friend's daughter from school, she had a sore tummy. Mom was out of town at a meeting, that's why I got the call. I took her to her home, tucked her into bed and called Dad. When I went back to school for noon duty the secretary asked me how she was. So I told her we found Dad and everything was ok. The secretary put it all into perspective when she said, "you are lucky to have each other for help". Yes, we are! My friend was here for me yesterday and today I was lucky enough to be around for her. IT'S ALL GOOD!

by M. Buxbaum

Because you are
my friend, I have
no lock on tongue
or heart...for you
are me...outside of
me...a separated
part...that laughs
with me and weeps a
tear...if I should
need a tear...or offers
an arm to offset harm...
whenever harm is near.

1 comment:

Iovany said...

hey Bonita...

is very beautiful QebeK.

me gustaria estar ahi algun dia con mi novia, desde donde toamste esas fotos, saludos desde Mexico [always hot]
