Sunday, February 26, 2006

10,000 and counting

5000+ photos, that's how many I took this weekend at the local skating Invitational.
I highly recommend the Nikon D70s. I bought it in July and today I rolled the photo counter passed the 10,000 photos; I'm closing in on 11,000. It doesn't get better than that.

Thanks Kris for the lens, you'll have to track me down to get it back.

Saturday, February 25, 2006


...a person whom one knows, likes and trusts attached to another by affection or esteem
...a favored companion

My dear friend Kris,

You are all of the above and so much more.

I love that you can screw up.
I love that you can screw up and it doesn't matter to me.
I love that you know that when I am exhausted and cranky, the crankiness is not directed at you and you will not be offended by it/me. (this is just a forewarning because I can well imagine that after having driven all the way to Hull and back to get photo paper, then shooting photos of skaters all day I might get a little testy and if not then probably after doing the same thing all over again the next day)
I love that we have this photo shoot this weekend and we will get through it and we will have the best time; we will be on edge, we will panic, we will get through it together and we will laugh. We will laugh from sheer exhaustion. We will laugh from knowing that no matter what happens we will have each other there for support.
I love that you see what I see through the camera lens. It is not always the picture but the feeling when that picture was taken. It's the moment and being able to capture it. (I love your lens ha ha ha)
I love that you get me.

I am saying all this because you are my friend and all of this and so much more is what makes us friends. Even after we spend the weekend working together - we'll still remain friends.

Sunday, February 19, 2006


...a relationship less intimate than friendship

I call her an acquaintance because we aren't really friends but we tend to come together every once in awhile; our children are in the same classes, we were together new year's eve, she is a friend of my friend, yadda yadda yadda. Sometimes you can spend time with people without becoming their friends. Some people you keep at a distance, not really sure why.

There are people you would spend every possible moment with and people you could go a lifetime without seeing.


An acquaintance moved her husband out this weekend. In June the marriage had fallen apart but they continued to live in the same house. She went out and got a job. Saved up some money. Waited till the time was right and made her move. She planned. She did what was necessary for her to secure her future without him. It takes courage to wait. It takes courage to go it alone. It takes courage to do what you know is right for you. She didn't stay with him for the sake of the children. She didn't stay with him because she didn't want to be alone. She didn't stay with him because she didn't know any other life. She showed great courage. You go girl!

Sunday, February 12, 2006

"I will miss your lips and everything attached to them"

If you haven't already seen it go out right now and rent "Elizabethtown" with Orlando Bloom - need I say more and Kirsten Dunst. One of the best movies I have ever seen - just take my word for it.

My brother took this picture last
Sept. at the Toronto Film Festival
YES, I'm pissed off and YES, I have a legitimate reason to be pissed off. My family is looking at me again like I have two heads. They always do that when I blow my top, because Mommy is going crazy again.

It's NOT my toys all over the living room floor. NOT my clothes draped across the sofa. NOT me sitting watching someone else work. NOT me with a geography project due on Tuesday or a French speech due. NOT me ignoring the fact that the central vac is not working. YES YES YES, I went downstairs, walked over to the main vac unit and tried switching it on - NOTHING happened. YES, it was me that tested the main unit after asking you to run downstairs and see if you - the mechanic, electrician, master of all trades - could see what is wrong with the vacumn. YES, I know the central vac is NOT working because YES I tested it - YES, I toggled the switch, I didn't just go downstairs and pick my nose.

YES, this is a husband and child rant, mostly husband. This is the same guy who will not look for something if he thinks I might know where it is because afterall, "why should I look if you know where it is!" My question is, "why do I always have to know where everything is?" "Why do I have to be the only one who uses my brain?" "Why do I have to do all the thinking for 5 people?" EXAMPLE: Kids wanted a dog, just had to have a dog. I used the usual reasons for not wanting one - I don't have the time or the need to look after another body in this house. I do not want to clean up after a dog. I do not want to clean up puke and crap off the floor. I do not want my house destroyed, clothes chewed, my favorite hiking boots destroyed, my favorite running shoes used for a chew toy. This morning I stayed in bed instead of jumping up the minute I woke up. My husband told me I could stay in bed, he would get up and look after the kids and such...he's still lying beside me. The kids had gotten up and were sitting watching TV. Who was going to let the dog out? So I got up out of bed, leaving my husband to sleep - after all, why break his record. Anyway, after some subtle reminders about who really wanted the animal and after being very persuasive as to who was going to let him out and feed him one of the children thought he would do it this morning. I mean really, you have a dog who does occasionally need to go outside to pee or poop - I say occasionally because it seems he thinks the floor is his toilet - and he does require a certain amount of food each day. Has he all of a sudden learned to open doors for himself? NO! But, I had to tell my little people to let the dog out and feed him. Oh, my GOD! Next time I am coming back as a brain, or atleast someone with a brain for every person in her household. My brain is taxed to the limit just thinking for me. There is nothing left to do the thinking of 4 other people.

I am taking a break from cleaning because YES, my vac has stopped working. Think the motor is burned out. My 'master of all trades' will fix it. Or so I thought, he is now on the phone planning a snowmobile trip for the day. Fuck! Fuck! Fuck! And just when I was deep into house cleaning bliss. OH, wait, there may not be a trip today. The person on the other end of the phone has other plans. AH! Are you going to fix the vac? I have to finish cleaning the house. "You should have finished cleaning before the vac broke." There's a funny man - try being funny with the vacumn cleaner hose stuck up your _ _ _ !

OK, I am just about over my rant now. Gotta love this blogging. When there is no one around to listen I go online and type away my frustrations.


Monday, February 06, 2006

Old and new friends

Just home from Monday morning breakfast club. You never know who will be there and who won't. Well, we knew Kris wouldn't be there - she's on her way to sitting on a sunny beach in Puerto Plata with her book, her drink and her camera in 84F temperatures. So we have -8C temperatures, the sun is trying to shine and intermittent snow. What do we have to be jealous about. But I will admit, there was a collective sigh this morning when we mentioned Kris.

There is always pleasant conversation, lots of laughs - usually at each other. But then isn't that part of what makes a friendship, when you are able to share the good, the bad and the embarrassing moments. When the laughs come easy, and it's not about laughing at someone but laughing with them.

Ran into an old friend while leaving Hursty's (our local spot for breakfast) this morning. It's funny how old friends, that you haven't seen for quite some time, can become almost like strangers. I know anyone of the ladies I had breakfast with this morning better than I know this 'old friend'. It's been a lot of years with very little contact between us. We were maid-of-honor for each other and were quite close but the years have gone by, life happened without either of us in the other's life. We've tried to stay in touch. For awhile we did manage to get together for the occasional 'girl's weekend' but that didn't last long. When we do meet it's always the same good-bye - "let's plan to get together soon". Old friends are good, they keep you humble especially if you knew them when you were young and foolish. A lot of secrets could be told, some that might best be forgotten. New friends, on the other hand, get to know you when you have matured, when you are beyond embarrasing yourself, YA RIGHT!

New friends, old friends - the best kind of friends to have.

Sunday, February 05, 2006

I did something today that I haven't done for a very long time. I rested. I had two, count 'em - two naps. That is going some for me. When I can fall asleep in the middle of the afternoon that means that I am way beyond tired. I am totally exhausted. Have been exhausted for longer than I can remember. If I calculated back I would say it must be 14 years since I've had a good nights sleep, ever since my oldest son came along. He used to wake up at 5 a.m to be nursed and ever since then 5 a.m. has become a common waking time for me (as has 4 a.m., 3 a.m. and even 2 a.m., actually pretty much any hour.) Not that I start my day at that hour but I sure do loose a lot of good sleeping time.

I have always been a night-owl but over the years it has started to catch up with me. And when I do go to bed I spend most of my quality sleeping time either tossing and turning or worrying. I wish I had a switch that I could turn my mind off.

I was going to go out and take some winter shots but I decided against that and instead I sat down to watch a couple of movies and eventually fell asleep. They were both the kind of sleep that are hard to wake up from, the kind where your eyelids just won't open. I hated to get up to make dinner, would have loved to just stay asleep but...and to tell the truth with 3 kids, a husband and a dog it was amazing that I was able to fall asleep at all.

Can't wait to go to bed.

Friday, February 03, 2006

Ok, I have been corrected, it's really only 1 more sleep for Kris because she is so fucking excited that she will never sleep. You go girl! You deserve this. But you damn well better be thinking of me sitting back here freezing my ass off. Have a drink for me!

Gonna miss ya!

6 more weeks till spring...

and I am going to count every last one of them. The countdown is on.

3 more sleeps, Kris! While we will be basking in snow and/or rain (can't wait, whoopee) my friend Kris will be tanning in the Dominican - some people just don't know how to enjoy winter....LOL!

I am not a winter person. I love snow for Christmas Eve and Christmas Day but after that it can all go away. I work outside, surprised that I do infact, considering that I hate being cold. HATE IT! HATE IT! HATE IT! As I am typing my fingers feel like they are going to fall off, I start getting cold in Oct. and don't thaw out till mid March.

It's half way between rain and snow this morning, high of 2C. Sun would be nice. I can take a lot of sun. Sun is happy, sun is warm.

"Give me the splendid silent sun with all his beams full-dazzling."
Walt Whitman