Friday, February 03, 2006

6 more weeks till spring...

and I am going to count every last one of them. The countdown is on.

3 more sleeps, Kris! While we will be basking in snow and/or rain (can't wait, whoopee) my friend Kris will be tanning in the Dominican - some people just don't know how to enjoy winter....LOL!

I am not a winter person. I love snow for Christmas Eve and Christmas Day but after that it can all go away. I work outside, surprised that I do infact, considering that I hate being cold. HATE IT! HATE IT! HATE IT! As I am typing my fingers feel like they are going to fall off, I start getting cold in Oct. and don't thaw out till mid March.

It's half way between rain and snow this morning, high of 2C. Sun would be nice. I can take a lot of sun. Sun is happy, sun is warm.

"Give me the splendid silent sun with all his beams full-dazzling."
Walt Whitman

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