Monday, May 07, 2007

Waiting and rushing!

I thought while I waited, yet again, for my kids to get ready for school I would blog...because, after all, sometimes it feels like I have time to write a novel while I wait.
I don't wait very well. I'm a pacer - back and forth, back and forth..."come on, let's get going!" It's like time wasted. But the kids don't see it that way, especially when they're getting ready for school. Now if we were going shopping to buy them something they would be out the door in a flash.

This morning I have breakfast to get to. It's Monday morning and the girls are waiting so I am in a hurry and therefore I am not into waiting. I enjoy our regularly scheduled Monday morning breakfast. It all started innocently one day with a bunch of stressed, tired, over-worked Mom's who just needed some down-time before their week started. We all have kids. Kids whose ages run from 3 to of the Mom's is a Mom of one of the Moms - I know it gets complicated but we like it that way. I wrote about our age range in this past post.

We all know that waiting eventually leads to rushing.

Wait! That seems to be a familiar word around our house. Like I said, I am not a waiter. BK or before kids, I was always on time and maybe even early for events. Now, after kids, I hardly remember the last time I was on time. Or maybe it just seems like I am always late and some of that may be attributed to the fact that I am always rushing here and there. Rushing to get everyone off to school. Rushing to get them to their games - soccer and ball season are in full swing. Rushing to get dinner. And after all the rushing is over for the kids I then have to rush to get my stuff done because I have had so much rushing to do for the kids....and on and on and one of those traffic circles that just keeps going round and round and if you're not paying attention you forget where to get off or even how to get off.

MOM, LET'S GO, WE'RE WAITING...oh yeah I forgot, I'm rushing to get somewhere.

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