Sunday, March 04, 2007

What's going on...

Finally, we got our first snow storm of the season...that it only came last Friday, March 3 is fine with me, what better time to have a first snow storm than just before spring so it can all melt away.

Kids are on March break. Not sure what we're going to do. With the husband about to loose
his job we're not making big plans. Although, I envy my friends who can go away every year for a family vacation to somewhere warm. I think there are plans to head to the camp in the woods with the snowmobiles....not me, the kids and Dad. I prefer the city to the bush, so if that is their plan my plan is to head into Ottawa for a shopping trip with Viv.

We turn the clocks back next week which means more daylight. I love this time of year when the daylight sticks around a bit longer. Helps get rid of the gloom of the February blahs.

Prepping a couple of photos for an art exhibit at the Café 349 to be exhibited with instructor and student works from the last two years of courses at the Pontiac School of the Arts.

Went to the most hilarious comedy show, Women Fully Clothed, last weekend at the Centrepointe Theatre in Ottawa. If you ever get the chance to see these ladies in action I recommend you don't pass it up. I went with 5 friends and we all had a great time. We laughed so hard we had to wipe the tears away. This was a great group of friends to go to such a show with. When we weren't laughing at the show we were laughing at each other. There is nothing like a good laugh especially with friends.

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