Saturday, July 14, 2007

New Job..

As a very good friend said,
"Holy crap - you are no longer a house wife - you are a professional!!!!!"
After so many years of being a house wife, and we're not saying that's a bad thing; although it is nice when the 'cell doors' finally do open, it feels great to be doing something I really enjoy. And especially, with so many years of volunteer work I am finally going to be paid for all the stuff I have been doing for free.

I will be working, on contract, at one of the local papers in the production department. Now, this is not a big paper and there really is only one room where we will all be working and it's only put out twice a month but all that doesn't matter, it's the fact that I got the job. Out of 3 that were interviewed I was told I was the best candidate -

1. all the experience I have accumulated from my many volunteer positions I have a wide background in layout and design
2. I am well known in the volunteer community, if they don't know my face they know my name and apparently I have a good reputation - WOW, it's a shock when you hear these things about yourself.
3. I am from the area, which was one criteria for the job
4. and they sort of came looking for me. A friend called and said "you should phone Lynne, she is looking for someone for the paper". Apparently, they had run a couple of ads but hadn't hooked anyone yet. this Lynne had stopped my friend's office to ask her if she knew of someone and my name came up to which the reply was "that's who I was thinking about".

So I did call Lynne and after scrambling to put together a CV, I went to the interview and aced it, or at least out of the 3 who applied I was the best suited, had the most experience, and they were impressed with my work examples. YIPPEE!

So, I guess I am a professional!

1 comment:

LeperColony said...

'Gratz on the new employment. After many years of schooling, I too am looking to enter the work force. It's always nice to hear someone else land a job - makes my chance seem not so slim.