Wednesday, June 14, 2006

Some birthdays are not so bad!

Happy Birthday to me! Today, June 14, I turned 39 (again) - ok, so I turned 45 but I feel 39 and it's my birthday so I get to be as young as I want.
Usually I don't look forward to birthdays. I am at the point in my life where I would just as soon forget about my birthday...except for this year - for whatever reason, not that I was looking forward to it but it just didn't bother me. I really enjoyed this birthday and I have one person to thank...Kris - well, a few people, but Kris is the force behind it all. My birthday actually started on June 4th. when I was surprised with a birthday brunch at Café 349. Kris had asked me the day before if I wanted to go grocery shopping in Renfrew, sure I needed groceries and it is much more fun to go with Kris than to go alone. She said to be ready for 9:30 or 10:00 a.m. So I am up and ready and totally non-suspecting. First before leaving town she informs me we have to stop at the Café to take some photos for her realtor husband. Naturally I was curious why she needed to take these photos so I asked why, she gave me some lame reason and didn't think nothing more of it. I even went in with her, just to hang out and say "HI" to everyone working. As soon as I stepped in Ruth and the staff shouted 'Happy Birthday', I hardly believed it was meant for me, I almost turned around to see who came in behind me...she got me good!
So having had my birthday surprise I was totally not expecting another one today. This morning I met with Kris and a friend of ours to go over details to develope her (the friend) portfolio and website. We had earlier discussed meeting for lunch after I was done with my noon duties at the school, something about Kris being busy and not being able to make it till after I was done working, that's common. I was starved and could hardly wait, my mouth was watering thinking about the ceasar salad with grilled chicken I was going to order. Since I was heading to the Café I asked Viv, another friend that I work with, if she wanted to join us - sure she felt like a cup of coffee. We walked in and the staff, knowing it was my birthday, wished me a happy birthday.
The Café is our local great spot to eat and get the most delicious desserts. And as an added bonus Ruth, the owner, has become a fast friend and we (Kris, Viv and I) are friends with the staff - our kids are all friends, we are on committees together, we party together, we have monday breakfast together - you get the picture...we're friends.
Anyway, innocently I walked in and after the birthday wishes I ask if Kris and Terri have arrived yet, both are usually a little late, (yeah, yeah, I know - never late). I am told no, they haven't arrived yet so I continue to enter the Café and am headed to the counter when I happened to take a look to my left, to see how full the new restaurant part is, and there, to my total surprise, AGAIN, is a birthday party for me - complete with balloons. Kris sitting front and center, happy as all get-out because she has gotten my again.
Ok, I have to agree - you're good!
The day started out good but I had a glitch thrown my way which could have made it totally bad but thanks to Kris and Terri and my wonderful friends who feted me again today, it was the bestest birthday I can remember since being a kid.

I have surrouned myself with great friends -
I am lucky.
I am blessed.
I am happy.
I am thankful for your friendship.

Thanks Kris, I am so blessed to have you in my life.
You are grace, you are kindness, you are my friend!

Friendship is a serious affection;
the most sublime of all affections,
because it is founded on principle,
and cemented by time.
(this verse was in the card Terri made for me today)

And except for the glitch, which involed #1 son, the rest of the my day was pretty perfect. Birthday supper at my Mom's with my twin brother and my family. This birthday was good, this birthday I enjoyed, this birthday I will remember for a very long time.

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