Thursday, November 10, 2005

I am what I am

- wife
- mother of 3
- daughter
- sister
- friend
- volunteer
- worker
- 44
- exhausted

What I like:
- summer, spring
- chocolate
- sad movies
- thought provoking songs
- sad songs
- bedtime with my kids
- spending time with my friends
- time away (me time)
- shopping
- driving
- photography
- defending the underdog
- working with kids (most days)
- being a mother (loved being pregnant)
- getting crazy with Kris and whoever else we are fortunate to be spending our crazy time with
- forget-me-nots
- bicycling
- relaxing
- being alone
- being a woman
- helping people
- that I quit smoking 18 years ago

What I dislike:
- my friends smoking because of the health issues
- winter (being cold)
- bullies
- small talk
- making conversation with strangers
- lies
- people getting the wrong idea and not taking the time to ask the right questions (never assume)
- being unable to control certain situations
- loosing my temper
- my lack of tolerance
- being lonely
- growing old
- being taken advantage of

What makes me uncomfortable:
- confrontation
- room full of people I don't know
- being the center of attention
- public speaking
- compliments

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