Sunday, May 01, 2005

I'm Here!

Well, after much time of thinking about this blogging stuff I have finally taken the plunge and created my own, or actually, I am at the beginning of my own blog.

"What Do We Do Now!"

As you will notice the name of this site is not written as a question but rather as a statement because there would be no right answer if this were a question. Besides, I am not looking for an answer because the only thing anyone of us can do it to continue with whatever we have to do, to go on and fight the fight, live till there is no living left.

Life is short, live it and live it well!


Howard said...

Fight is what I have been doing for many, many years now.There is no end until you kick the bucket and that comes sooner than you think..So post comments to promote your blog and you will find a lot of us out here..

Dash Bradley said...

Christ, lighten up, Howard.