...that is what I have unknowingly been delegated to. According to my husband since I am the 'only wife in the world' who doesn't have a decent job and therefore doesn't bring home a decent paycheque then I am the 'insignificant other'. Actually he said I don't have any job and volunteering is useless. To clarify, I do have a job and I do a lot of volunteering, both of which makes me very happy and help me to feel worthwhile, since my husband is not very good at either - obviously!
According to his philosophy, it's not how hard you work, it's how much money you bring home that makes you a person to be respected.
And all because I mentioned he hadn't cleaned up after he ate breakfast this morning and that he left a mess on the floor that the dog made. He walked around it for atleast 1 hour.
But you see, those were my jobs because I don't do anything. "LAZY" being the word of choice thrown at me this morning. @#$%#$ MEN!!!
And what am I to learn from this!
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