Tuesday, January 31, 2006

Gotta love the 'little people'

Don't ya just love when an unexpected chance for 'down-time' presents itself.
Today my friend Kris had a late afternoon business meeting and could not be around to take her daughter to an appointment so she asked me if I could take her daughter.
It's a great compliment to be asked to help a friend, it becomes even more special when that friend puts her children in your care. The appointment was for 2:15 so I picked my little friend up at school and headed out. We waited and waited and no one showed up but we didn't really care because we were having 'down-time'. This was special 'down-time' because I got to spend it with a special little friend. It's cool, it's a happy place when you can share time with little people.

I am very fortunate because I get to spend a lot of time with little people. Being an elementary school noon supervisor allows me the time to be with kids and sometimes I get to be a kid myself - that is special, that is cool, that is the most wonderful feeling in the world, to be able to let yourself go and stop being an adult for even the
teeniest amount of time. I love snowball fights but we can't have snowball fights at school - so ya gotta be careful not to get caught. LOL! So far we have been very lucky. Although there was the one day all the other adults in the yard turned a blind-eye, as it turned out it was way to obvious what was going on. I hadn't thought anyone was watching but when I got back into the school it was mentioned that I should dress better because my neck was all red and appeared to be cold. Just then one of the other supervisors walked by and casually mentioned that it was red because I had been in a snowball fight. Aha! I know that secretly she would have liked to join us.

Everyday I get to spend time with kids, sometimes it seems like I am surrounded by them - COOL! After awhile you even start to sound like them, in fact somedays I have a hard time speaking to my adult friends because I do so much 'kidspeak'. It seems that kids are my life, what better way to stay young, or atleast young at heart. Wouldn't trade it.

So, my little friend and I had a wonderful unplanned 1/2 hour together. We talked about grandparents and family and friends. We talked about school and homework, we talked and talked and talked. It was the most awesome! My day had begun hectic and there were no
signs of it becoming any less hectic so to have that special time to unwind was just what I needed. Thanks Kris, thanks Kaigh. And you thought I was doing something special for you!

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