Saturday, January 14, 2006

Happy Birthday

Happy 8th Birthday little girl. You were born during the ice storm of 1998. Glad we lived 5 minutes from the hospital, we had already had 5 days of ice. I remember being in recovery and looking out the window at the bent and broken trees.

You were my third and last c-section. It's true what they say, it gets easier with each birth. On your third day in this world you developed a fever and we spent the whole night in the nursery, well at least you did, I had to come and go from my room to nurse you. I didn't mind though because we were sharing a room with a first time mother who couldn't even hold her baby, didn't want to hold her baby. She always had visitors who would come in to feed and look after her baby girl.

With each baby it becomes less scary. Your motherly instinct just takes over and everything just comes naturally. The nursing, the bathing, the diaper changing - it's becomes second nature.

Today was the all-girl party. Tomorrow we celebrate with family.

Jan. 15, 1998

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