YES, I'm pissed off and YES, I have a legitimate reason to be pissed off. My family is looking at me again like I have two heads. They always do that when I blow my top, because Mommy is going crazy again.
It's NOT my toys all over the living room floor. NOT my clothes draped across the sofa. NOT me sitting watching someone else work. NOT me with a geography project due on Tuesday or a French speech due. NOT me ignoring the fact that the central vac is not working. YES YES YES, I went downstairs, walked over to the main vac unit and tried switching it on - NOTHING happened. YES, it was me that tested the main unit after asking you to run downstairs and see if you - the mechanic, electrician, master of all trades - could see what is wrong with the vacumn. YES, I know the central vac is NOT working because YES I tested it - YES, I toggled the switch, I didn't just go downstairs and pick my nose.
YES, this is a husband and child rant, mostly husband. This is the same guy who will not look for something if he thinks I might know where it is because afterall, "why should I look if you know where it is!" My question is, "why do I always have to know where everything is?" "Why do I have to be the only one who uses my brain?" "Why do I have to do all the thinking for 5 people?" EXAMPLE: Kids wanted a dog, just had to have a dog. I used the usual reasons for not wanting one - I don't have the time or the need to look after another body in this house. I do not want to clean up after a dog. I do not want to clean up puke and crap off the floor. I do not want my house destroyed, clothes chewed, my favorite hiking boots destroyed, my favorite running shoes used for a chew toy. This morning I stayed in bed instead of jumping up the minute I woke up. My husband told me I could stay in bed, he would get up and look after the kids and such...he's still lying beside me. The kids had gotten up and were sitting watching TV. Who was going to let the dog out? So I got up out of bed, leaving my husband to sleep - after all, why break his record. Anyway, after some subtle reminders about who really wanted the animal and after being very persuasive as to who was going to let him out and feed him one of the children thought he would do it this morning. I mean really, you have a dog who does occasionally need to go outside to pee or poop - I say occasionally because it seems he thinks the floor is his toilet - and he does require a certain amount of food each day. Has he all of a sudden learned to open doors for himself? NO! But, I had to tell my little people to let the dog out and feed him. Oh, my GOD! Next time I am coming back as a brain, or atleast someone with a brain for every person in her household. My brain is taxed to the limit just thinking for me. There is nothing left to do the thinking of 4 other people.
I am taking a break from cleaning because YES, my vac has stopped working. Think the motor is burned out. My 'master of all trades' will fix it. Or so I thought, he is now on the phone planning a snowmobile trip for the day. Fuck! Fuck! Fuck! And just when I was deep into house cleaning bliss. OH, wait, there may not be a trip today. The person on the other end of the phone has other plans. AH! Are you going to fix the vac? I have to finish cleaning the house. "You should have finished cleaning before the vac broke." There's a funny man - try being funny with the vacumn cleaner hose stuck up your _ _ _ !
OK, I am just about over my rant now. Gotta love this blogging. When there is no one around to listen I go online and type away my frustrations.
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