...a person whom one knows, likes and trusts
...one attached to another by affection or esteem
...a favored companion
My dear friend Kris,
You are all of the above and so much more.
I love that you can screw up.
I love that you can screw up and it doesn't matter to me.
I love that you know that when I am exhausted and cranky, the crankiness is not directed at you and you will not be offended by it/me. (this is just a forewarning because I can well imagine that after having driven all the way to Hull and back to get photo paper, then shooting photos of skaters all day I might get a little testy and if not then probably after doing the same thing all over again the next day)
I love that we have this photo shoot this weekend and we will get through it and we will have the best time; we will be on edge, we will panic, we will get through it together and we will laugh. We will laugh from sheer exhaustion. We will laugh from knowing that no matter what happens we will have each other there for support.
I love that you see what I see through the camera lens. It is not always the picture but the feeling when that picture was taken. It's the moment and being able to capture it. (I love your lens ha ha ha)
I love that you get me.
I am saying all this because you are my friend and all of this and so much more is what makes us friends. Even after we spend the weekend working together - we'll still remain friends.
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