Wednesday, August 15, 2007

Mental health day

Exhaustion can take it's toll. It can wear a person down, mentally and physically. It can make dealing with life all that more difficult. Sometimes we need to take a day just for ourselves. I say there should be a "mental health day". It can be difficult to take time away, what we need will always be the most difficult to achieve. There are family commitments, work commitments and everything else in between and there will be sacrifices along the way but it's important to step back sometimes and take a rest and get a different prospective on things. It's not necessarily that we have to go somewhere, getting away can be a state of mind. We think that we are letting our family down if we are not always there for them, but being there for them, in what capacity. Are we doing them any favors if we are so exhausted and worn out that we are incapable of being ourselves. I have a friend that I am sure she probably feels that I am crazy when I say I have to walk away every once in a while but I have to, for me and my family. Because there are just those days when it's difficult to keep it all going and it's healthier to walk away than to stay. It's healthier for me and it's healthier for my family. I can go away, even if it's just for a few hours, and come back in a different frame of mind. There are times in our lives when life gets the best of us - kids, husband, work, commitments...whatever, but all it takes sometimes is to just step away and take some time to regenerate, to come back refreshed and with a new approach to life and it's ups and downs.

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