Thursday, March 22, 2007

How to feel like you don't belong?

Try being an English speaking Quebecer.
Try being an English speaking Quebecer working the polls at a Quebec election.
Even better, try being an English speaking Quebecer working the polls at a Quebec election and having to do training in French. Thank goodness they made a few English manuals.
Better yet, being an English speaking Quebecer who was born in this province and who has lived here all your days but you feel like you don't belong.
It's not the greatest feeling to know that you are considered a second-class citizen. That you are not considering equal and that someone can take away your rights when it comes to the simplest of rights...freedom to have instruction in the language of your choice.

The French here in La Belle Province lament that their rights are being taken away...hmmm...can't say as I totally agree with them.


BeachMama said...

My parents left La Belle Province some 40 years ago for that same reason. It is sad, so sad that this is what has happened. It didn't have to be that way. I hope you don't have too hard of a time at the elections.

Bonita said...

Beachmama, great to have you on board. I didn't realize anyone was reading my blog, besides Lora who keeps in touch from Calgary - Hi Lora...glad you're along for the crazy ride.