My 14 year old son, who couldn't fight his way out of a wet paper bag, was beat up at school today. He was beaten up by a kid who thought he had been saying things about him. At it turns out another kid had done the talking but said it was my son. So my son, who has been taught not to use his fists - maybe we will have to re-think that, self-defense might not be such a bad thing afterall. Anyway, get a call from the school's vice-principal asking if Alex had made it home from school yet. Everything was ok, Alex was ok, he was in a fight. Actually, he never got a chance to fight because the other kid jumped him, threw him to the ground and started punching on his head and face. Alex's friend came along and threw the other guy off him.
My son got a one day out of school suspension and the other kid who did the beating got 3. The boy that caused the trouble, as usual, he walked away. And I can imagine the smirk on his hateful little face. Yes, I can imagine the smirk because I have seen the smirk before. I have been a victim of that smirk.
I want to see this boy, the one who lied, have to take responsibility for his actions. This is the same boy who has been bullying me for the past 4 years. The same boy who got caught 2 years ago doing mischief and lied about who he was - he gave his name as my son Alex, even went so far as to name the father. This is the same boy who has been caught numerous times doing damage in our town - breaking things, destroying public property, being apart of harassing calls to my house, has given me the finger on more that one occasion. Called me names. Bullied kids at school. This is the same kid whose mother always defends him, as any GOOD mother would do - the difference being that this child is guilty and this mother bullies anyone who accuses him. I have heard of grown men, twice her size, who refuse to talk to her about her son because they are afraid of her. I have heard her described lately as "ugly" and that person didn't mean her physical appearance - she is simply an "ugly person", characterwise.
Recently her son was seen doing mischief & the events were reported to the parents. The mother went around to an innocent person and commenced ranting and raving at him for accusing her son. Now this person had no idea what she was talking about, although he lives in the vicinity where the damage was done, he had not witnessed anything. Imagine, instead of this mother taking control of her 14 year old son she refuses to accept that he really is the monster everyone else knows he is. She blames everyone else for his problems. She blames the school, she blames the teachers and supervisors. She blames the eye witness'. Everyone is just out to get her son. No wonder this child is the way he is. And no one calls the cops because they either don't want to get involved or they don't want to deal with the mother. So this child thinks he is invincible, no one can touch him.
This boy used to be my son's friend. They started in kindergarten together. They had sleepovers, birthday parties, play dates until grade 5 when this boy turned into this monster who only wants to hurt & destory. He ate at my house. He slept at my house. He was welcomed into our family.
What happens to a child to make him change so drastically? Where does so much hate come from?
Is he hurting my son because of how he feels about me? Is this all about me? This is a child who was under my charge as a noon supervisor in elementary school who took great exception to me not allowing him to bully the other kids.
So if he is hurting my child as a way of getting back at me I will see him at the end. What goes around comes around and I am waiting for that day.
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