OMG, I needed this weekend of relaxation. I even managed to get in some reading time - big joke is that the last book I read took me 4 years. I highly recommend 'The Mermaid Chair' by Sue Monk Kidd. Bought it Wed. at Chapters and finished it on Sunday while lazing in the sun...beautiful gentle breeze coming off the lake...need I say more.

Kids woke Sunday morning at 5:30 to check out the lake...Ben rushed in to tell me I needed to get out my camera and take some pics of the mist rising off the lake. Of course, I couldn't resist.
Alex and Jack even tried some onshore fishing in the early hours.
Jack is becoming quite the fisher-dog...everytime someone grabbed a pole he was right along side. Didn't miss a ride in the boat either. And how many times did he chase the four-wheelers!? By Sunday afternoon he was a wasted doggie.

And what is a trip to the cottage without a campfire and s'mores.

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