Monday was our last 'Mom's breakfast' - we meet every Monday morning for breakfast after dropping the kids at school, our time to relax before starting our week. This is a few hours we all look forward to. After breakfast it was off to the school for the 'volunteer appreciation tea' held by the teachers of McDowell to thank all their volunteers.
Tuesday was the grade 5 and 6 annual 36K. bike ride to Wyman via the old railway bed. Ben asked me to go along so how could I refuse. Actually, I was tossing it around in my mind before he asked but since he is the child that demands the least amount of attention I was glad to go along. Ben's friend Matt persuaded his Mom, Kris, to go along too. We had a great time. Kris did a lot of complaining about her sore ass on the ride home. I do a lot more biking than she does so I was ok. I had been trying to get her out biking all spring, bet she wishes she had gotten a little more seat-time in. Her seat problem was good for a few days of laughter.
Wed., officially the first day of summer, was pretty quiet except for soccer. Alex wrote his last exam yesterday so it was off to the camp with Dad and Grandpa for a day of fishing (not back till tomorrow). I was looking forward to them going to the camp, things are always more relaxed when they are gone, two less to look after - meals don't have to be exactly on time....junk food time.
Thursday Ben and I were off to Mont Cascade for the class trip. Got some sun. Ben and his friends had a great time splashing down the water slides. I had a great time, always fun spending time with the school kids outside of school. Well, it was a good day except for when I dropped my Nikon D70s...there was a collective sigh from all the parents in the group because they know my camera goes everywhere with me. I was afraid to look at it. I was afraid it was toast. Not even a year old yet and the first thing that ran through my mind was that I don't have the money to replace it but can't live without it. If you ever have to decide whether or not to purchase a seemingly needless UV filter...GO FOR IT! I have had one on each of my cameras just as a safety cover to protect the lens...boy, talk about cheap insurance...that is all that was broken. Luckily my camera landed on the edge of the filter, the camera still works as good as usual...I was so lucky.
The day ended with a get-together at Wendy's for the Home and School. A few drinks, tasty snacks, a bit of foolishness in the pool, and wonderful friends - what a great way to let off steam after another busy and successful year of fundraising for our children's school. Yeah, sure, I started the water fight...but who got drenched? Always remember, pay back is a bitch! Look-out!
Friday - the last day of school - started with year-end awards handed out at school. Then it was off to the Café for a few mothers for our last lunch - you know, before the kids are out of school for the year....end of our freedom. Kris always has a last day of school pool party which has become a tradition that has followed her from Aylmer. Our kids now look forward to it....swimming, lots of food and drinks...time to let loose one more time with friends before parting for the summer. My kids are lucky, at least the two younger ones, their friends mostly all live in town so they can see them all summer but some kids go the whole summer hardly seeing friends so for some it is hard to say good-bye. I was one of those kids, I lived in the country and had to wait till the fall to see my friends again. Party started at 3 and ended at 8, the kids were becoming water logged by the time we finally hauled the last one out of the pool. If we could get the kids home and settled in there was still time for Me-time at the Café for some much deserved dessert. I spend most of my waking time with kids, either my own or at the school or now that summer is here, with half the kids in the neighborhood - Me-time is valuable...even if it means having a 1/2 hour at the end of the day for a walk or bike ride or dessert at the Café. I have become very aware of my need for downtime. I love my family but, we all need some time away to regenerate.
Not over yet, Saturday was soccer-day which meant spending most of the day at the soccer field, starting at 7:45. As much as I enjoy watching the kids play and as much as they enjoy playing it was time for it to be all over...we are all exhausted and tired of running here and there. The summer means doing what we want, when we want to. It means no routine, no schedules just taking life day by day. The lazy days of summer! Means spending time at the cottage with family and friends. Movie matinees. Bring it on! I am ready! After some much needed rest, that is.

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