38 years and counting, more years than most of you have probably been alive but that is how long Gail and I have been friends - since grade 1. Can you imagine! I talk to my kids about the value of friendship - this one is priceless. There is always a long time between get togethers, sometimes years but the years do not create a distance. I know her family, she knows mine. She went away, the first time, before grade 10. Spent many years in the West. Many years of good and bad. She spent some time back here then went away again. Came home pregnant with her only child, a son, now ready to turn 18. During these 18 years she has been as close as she has ever been but life and family has made get together time difficult. After talking about it for the better part of 3 years we finally made a date for dinner and stuck with it. Tonight, dinner at Kelsey's in Kanata, minutes became hours and before we knew it we were all caught up on each others life. Kids being the main topic of conversation - the good, the bad, the ugly. She, single mother, living the life I wish I had, me with husband and 3 kids having the life that makes her wonder in years to come if she will feel that she has missed something. She wondered about loneliness when her son leaves home but she is content, she is happy, she is where she wants to be. I marvel at her bravery of being alone raising a son who, by the way, is growing into a wonderful young man - being alone is what I wish for on those days when family life and problems are weighing me down but in all honesty I don't know if I am/will ever be/ or ever has been as brave as she is. We laughed, we talked and talked and talked...time stood still - we parted making plans to meet again real soon...
Teachers have a most wonderful job. Imagine being able to mold and shape the young minds of our world. Imagine being given the trust. Imagine the joy in knowing that you are helping little people become better big people. Ok, so it doesn't always work that way, and being someone who works and volunteers daily in our local school system you get to see the good, the bad and the ugly. Lately we, the parents, have become a little jaded by our teachers and the school system - everyone say "work t0 rule!" Yep, that is what we have been dealing with this past school year. There is no joy in our school and what I am hearing from other parents, there is very little joy in most schools these days because of the 'work to rule' issue. I realize we all have the right to fight for our jobs and better conditions but at what cost! Almost all extra activities have been banned, such as the Christmas concert, theme days (we manage to salvage one day - but ONLY one day), winter carnival and so much more fun things that the students have had to give up because our teachers are 'working to rule". I guess you are wondering where I am going with this rant......well today I had the opportunity to help a young mind to see her way around the 9 x tables. When we began she was not interested because she was finding her times tables difficult. She was talking and making any excuse to not do the work. With much perseverance I managed to get her settled down enough to show her some tricks around the 9x tables, I showed her 3 different tricks and it was just like a light bulb went off. She got it. I was so proud of her, she was so proud of herself. She almost completely stopped talking except to comment on how she figured each one out without "cheating". She couldn't wait to get back to her classroom to show her teacher. 9 x 1 = 99 x 2 = 189 x 3 = 279 x 4 = 369 x 5 = 459 x 6 = 549 x 7 = 639 x 8 = 729 x 9 = 811. The two numbers added together make 9 2. The first number of the answer goes up numerically and the second number of each answer goes down numerically.3. But the trick that really got her excited was when she realized that the answer always begins with one number less than the dividing number and that both numbers added together make 9.We'll work on getting past 10 later, it changes a little but I know she'll catch on just as quick. I had never seen her so excited and in such a hurry to get her work done. It was no longer a mystery, she had mastered it, she got it. And the look on her face, the pride she was showing was all I needed to make my day. That is what I wish our teachers would all remember when they are taking away the little details to our children's school day...so little can make such a difference to how they feel about themselves and their ability to learn. Let's all remember there are many ways to teach and many things to teach...why not throw in a little fun. Tomorrow is our one theme day - P.J. day - and the kids are so excited and as a member of our Home and School committee I am so glad that I could be a part of making that day happen. They deserve it. It's a good day!
...but it's wonderful what a walk with friends will do for your mood - shin splints and all.

Burnstown, Ontario
I was trying to get some of my volunteer work done but I can't even hear myself think. Back to that 'place of my own'. It is impossible to get work done when the computer is in the same room that everyone lives in, watches t.v. in, plays video games in....ahhhhhhhhhhhhh! Tonight it is the Junos they are watching and the husband, insists on cranking the volume when certain bands are performing. Cheaper yet, a lap top would be nice, I could work anywhere. I could even leave the house, if need be. My head is full of noise and it is impossible to concentrate so I have obviously given up any attempt at getting work done, at least till they are all gone to bed. Picture it, t.v at almost full volume (surround sound, no less), children arguing, dog barking, everyone shouting because they can't hear each other over the noise of the t.v and themselves...tomorrow, I will try again tomorrow when my husband is at a meeting and the kids are all in school. But I am on a tight deadline with a meeting tomorrow night...it will all get done - it has to - amid all the kaos. Shit!
I dream - I am sitting on the beach at the cottage, alone, the only noise is the sound of nature...water lapping on the shore, the soulful loon...just me and my laptop and of course my mp3. The theme from the movie "Unfaithful" is playing softly in my head. Could it get any better!
I had a conversation with my friend Kris the other day about having 'done my time in the trenches', it is so time for me now or at least time for me to be able to leave home periodically without everything falling apart. Although my kids aren't fully grown - 14, 10 & 8, they are capable of being on their own with Dad for a certain amount of time, because we all know what happens when Dad is minding the kids - he is doing his thing and hopefully the kids remember to check in because Dad sometimes forgets who is in charge. Right! We've all been there.
We've been wanting to organize a 'girlfriends weekend' but as much as we all need it our families and commitments all seem to come before our own sanity. We manage to get together every so often for a quick lunch but we usually have to rush through our food because there is somewhere else we have to be or work to be done. Just one day without having to look after anyone other than ourselves...my friends are all busy working mothers, no one gets proper time for herself but in this crazy world with more and more demands being put upon us we are all feeling the pressure, we so want and need time to relax but it never seems to come - atleast not for an adequate amount of time. And for that small amount of time we do get for ourselves who isn't feeling guilty that she should be doing something besides enjoying time for herself!?
We're all feeling the exhaustion. We're all trying to add more time to our days. We're all pushing ourselves to complete what needs to be done NOW! If only we would/could slow down before we are forced to. Burnout, comes to mind as the least of our worries. Everywhere we turn, everything we read, everyone we meet there are stories of sickness and even death.
That weekend away sounds really good. Keep you posted on whether it happens or not.
And the noise pollution - everyone is gone to bed. There is absolute silence except for my music.
The work - it will keep until tomorrow, I am going to sit and enjoy the silence before turning in for the night.