Seems I live my life around the school year. I have 3 children in school, grades 1, 4 and 7. I am also a noon supervisor at the junior school as well as a retiring Pres. of the Home and School. So, needless to say, I cannot wait for the end of the school year. There is so much to wrap up as far as the Home and School is concerned, especially since I am passing the torch, i.e., fundraisers, year-end meetings and dinners, getting the books together - I am not very good at looking after the paper trail, I love my computer because it has all my important stuff all crammed into it's memory - and just making sure everything is in place to make a clean start for my successor for the new year.
I am also very busy with all my other committee work. I love being a volunteer, especially when everything is going well, but then who doesn't, it's not much fun doing anything if it is not going as planned.
Yes, I am going to bore you with all my committee work. Let's see, where do I start...Friends of the Library which does fundraising and supports programs in our local library, Armstrong Heritage Farm which will be a living museum depicting life in Pontiac County 1890-1920, and The Pontiac School of the Arts which we hope will one day be a year-round art school but for this year, 2005, it is a 9-day event happening from July 23-31. You can check it out and hey, who knows, maybe you will one day decide to make a trip our way and see what Pontiac County, Canada has to offer, afterall, we are known as the 'greatest unknown'. Among other things we have an abundance of wonderful artists in our area and we are do more than just fight off the language police.
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