A bus load of little people, grade 1 & 2, on a field trip to a Jillian Jiggs play and I didn't have to take the bus. Yeah! For parents who have gone on a school field trip the bus ride can be fun or it can be a ride to hell. I, myself, love the bus ride, would not trade it for anything -- except for when it comes to a bus load and I mean load, 3 little people to a seat, whoa before we go into the safety factor here, I know all about how unsafe it is to have 3 in a seat on a school bus with no seatbelt so this is where my story takes a turn, I filled my van, 8 bodies, and drove to the destination, that meant 8 less people on the bus plus there were numerous other mothers who also drove. You see the problem is that the buses cost close to $400. for the day and the 'powers that be' could not justify paying that kind of money for an extra bus when there were parents who could possibly drive...
...all that said, one field trip down, one to go. Today was my daughter's grade 1 field trip to Pembroke, Ont. to see a Jillian Jiggs play. It was great, the kids had a blast. 4 little girls and 4 moms, 4 giggly little girls.
The parents had a blast, too. Rarely does a parent sign up for such an event if they don't totally understand how the day will go. It is ALL about the kids, it is their day -- they are usually divided up into little groups of 4 or 5 and each parent has a group to look after. Now, even for me who works at the school and who knows every child, it is still a very daunting task to make sure you don't loose one or two. After all, they are all the same size, they all seem to be dressed in all the same clothes --- I mean every child in the place and usually other schools are there with the same age group of children, everyone being the same size and hair colour as your charges --- or so it seems. Ahhhhhhh, if you are wise though you will join another mother and her group and between the two of you the task will be a little easier, one in back, one in front.
Bottom line is always that anyday you get to spent with your child is a great day! Hey and we even managed to stop at Dairy Queen for ice cream, although we told the teacher we got lost...