Cheers to
Family & Friends
Health & Happiness
Have you ever had one of those days when you feel like crawling out of your skin, like the last place you want to be is where you are and just for a little while you would love to walk away from all your troubles? When really what you need is a kind word, a shoulder to lean on, the understanding of a close friend and hey, a hug would feel really good. It is so good to know you have a safe zone, someone who accepts you for who you are and loves you unconditionally.
Recently I had one of those days. And I had that shoulder to lean on. It was a particularly bad day, which just seemed to get worse as the day went on. My ‘runaway’ place was to a parent meeting. Now I know what you are thinking, she’s running away to a meeting – how sad - but this meeting was filled with my friends. And who should I meet as I walked down the hall but my ‘safe zone’. To see this face you could not remain in a bad mood because there is always a smile upon it. (Although, I have seen it lately when the smile is not so brave, not so self-assured but I was given the chance to realize how truly blessed I am to have this relationship because she has trusted me to share my shoulder. But that is not my story to tell). She was not going to allow me to continue feeling the way I did, immediately I was greeted with an out stretched arm and a warm loving hug. The moment we entered that meeting everyone knew what they were in for. They threatened to not let us sit beside each other because when we are on our game the laugh meter just can’t keep up. Needless to say, no one was having a bad day by the end of the meeting and as much as they swore we would never be allowed to sit beside each other at another meeting we knew they didn’t really mean it.
After the meeting I still needed to unload and she was there with her usual understanding and acceptance. With the listening came great advice and the reassurance that I need never to feel alone. And at the end of it all she reminded me how laughter can make a difference, it doesn’t solve the problems and pain but it goes along way to making it easier to cope.
Friendship is something of true value, something that is not to be taken lightly. It is give and take, and when you get to the point where you let yourself appreciate the value of friendship you know that you can take without guilt because you know that you will get your chance to give.
My friends keep me grounded and happy. They allow me to be myself, no matter what (don’t worry, they let me know when I have gone too far) and they give me the ways and means to cope with what life has to throw my way. But one of the best things about friendship is trust. It’s a two-way street of giving and taking and my friends give me the opportunity to be their ‘safe zone’.
Always remember to laugh.
Kris, thanks for teaching me the value of laughter.
Humor is a spontaneous, wonderful bit of an outburst that just comes.
It's unbridled, it's unplanned, it's full of surprises.
Erma Bombeck
I am sick to death of responsibility and always feeling like I have to do the right thing.
I want just one day where someone looks after my needs. Wait, no I don’t, what I really want is just one day without having to be responsible to anyone or for anything. Just to do as I please. If I want to lie down in the afternoon I can and I don’t want to feel guilty for doing so. I don’t want to worry that someone is going to find me lying down and doing nothing. Because as you know, woman have this guilt complex that we must always be doing something or at least appear to be doing something. I want to be able to say “NO!” if someone asks me to do something I don’t want to do. I want to not have to appear happy when I am miserable. I want to be able to be pissed off and not have to apologize.
I want to eat when I am hungry and only feed myself not 3 children, a husband – who is nothing but a spoiled big kid, and a dog.
These are my new rules: If the clothes get too dirty to wear, throw them out and get new ones. Who cares if the house gets messy, I never promised to be a maid. Who cares if some committee work doesn’t get done right or even not at all! If I want to sleep in I will! If someone pisses me off I will tell him or her! If there is work to be done, someone else can do it!
Ok, that felt good, got it all off my chest. Yesterday is over, thank goodness. It was a real shitty day and I really only have myself to blame for it. I believe that if you want something done right you have to do it yourself and I also believe that if I can’t do it why should I think someone else can or should. So, I do it all myself and at the end of the day I walk away feeling totally used up and feeling like I have the weight of the world on my shoulders.
A friend recently told me that I have to just accept things that are handed to me, that there are people who are willing and want to help. For instance, last week she had to be away from home for the afternoon and the better part of the evening so she asked me if I would mind taking her 2 children home from school and keeping them through supper. Of course, I did not hesitate because if there is one person I can rely on to cover my back it is she. She felt she was overburdening me and was adamant that she was going to buy pizza for the whole bunch. Well, I was just as adamant that I was going to prepare a meal for everyone, I was going to make pizza – besides I was doing her the favour, right! So, for two days we went back and forth - “no, I will!” “No, I will!” “No, I insist it’s no big deal!” It was then that we both realized that neither one of us could accept the fact that someone was trying to help us. It was really more of a realization to me than to her. Here we were both trying to make things easier for the other and neither one wanted to accept the help without being able to give back. So, I let her buy the pizza. She felt better and I took a step towards realizing that I don’t always have to do it all, I can bend, I don’t always have to be responsible. I can do something for a friend and accept that she may feel the same way I do. Now I just have to take that one step at a time and slowly but surely I will be taking giant steps towards sharing the responsibility.
"Depth of friendship does not depend on length of acquaintance"
'Each friend represents a world in us,She is part of a small circle of very loving and caring women who have created a new world for me.
a world possibly not born until they arrive,
and it is only by this meeting that a new world is born.'