I am one of those who NEEDS sunshine. I NEED warmth. Winter comes and I just want to keep myself covered and cozied in an attempt to stay warm and forget time until spring comes calling again.
My fingers freeze up in November and thaw out sometime mid April, the same with my toes. Brrrrrrrrrrrrr.
I NEED to be living beside the seashore with the warm wind caressing my skin. I NEED to be WARM.
As I drove home from work yesterday I noticed it was still daylight. A month ago, at the same time of day, I drove home in the dark. That could only mean one thing...spring is on it's way. NO, don't tell me it's still 8 weeks away, let me live in my own dreamworld where I can feel the sun getting hotter, the days getting longer and visualize the grass turning green and pushing it's way through the snow. I want to believe every day is one day closer to fresh buds on the trees and fragrant blooms in the garden...snnnnnnnnnnnn, do you smell the lilacs? I do...and that will help get me through my winter blahs and I'll come out of my cocoon happily blinded by the sunshine and ready for a new season, a fresh start to a warmer, brighter day.
Well, maybe I did have something to say...