I was privileged to be asked to host a friend’s girls for the weekend which included picking them up at the airport. I was worried about the airport because Lora, the Mom, is constantly telling me how much the girls have changed. I was afraid they had changed so much I wouldn’t recognize them. This friend and her family moved to Calgary last year for her husband’s job. It was a big move, a lot of changing for the friend and her girls. They left their friends and their home, the later of which was something that had taken awhile to find - a breathtaking place on the Ottawa River – home also included acceptance of them and by them of the little village I like to call home. When asked last night how Grace liked Calgary her response was that it was ok but it wasn’t Shawville. Scene: the airport – Ben and Sarah had gone with me, they wouldn’t have missed it for anything, and they have been waiting for this day for weeks. We arrived at the prerequisite amount of before time, who wants to be late picking someone up at the airport. That would be the worst feeling in the world, especially knowing you were entrusted with your friend’s most treasured possessions. I would never forgive myself if I had been late…to add to the relief that I was on time was the fact that their plane was delayed by 10 minutes, phew!
So, plane lands and the passengers start to disembark. Not only was I worried that I might not recognize them but hey, would they recognize us - after all, it has been a whole year. I supposed I have not changed all that much, slightly different hair, 13 or so less pounds but they will definitely recognize Ben and Sarah. First two girls off the plane, is that them? NO, Lora said Emma had gained like 20 lbs and that Grace was pretty much the same size – these two were almost the same size, definitely not them. Next two girls, NO, smaller than when they left – for sure not them. How many pairs of girls are on this plane, just my luck, more than one set. Finally, Sarah spotted them. Ok, Emma is a little taller and not such a little girl, more like a young woman and Grace hasn’t changed all that much, gotten a slight bit taller and starting to make that change into a young lady as well. Hugs and welcomes. A few seconds of nervousness on all our parts, let’s get the baggage that will give us all time to re-adjust. A few short steps to the baggage claims area and that is about all the re-adjusting anyone needed. Conversation comes quite easily – how was the flight? How is Mom? Bet she wishes she were here now – for sure! Anyone hungry? It was just like old times, a year seemed like only a few shorts days ago. There was teasing about the heft of Emma’s bag, or lack of which as Grace and I tried to convince Emma she was just a weakling. Ben got teased about having his first zit. Oh yeah, forgot to mention we had a great laugh over the fact that we were looking for Grace’s black suitcase which turned out to be blue. We wondered how many times it travelled the carousel before she finally realized. We were having such a good time, we never really noticed. Too funny!
Stopped for food, hmmm, healthy food. Salads, veggies…nothing like McDonalds – no didn’t go there. Hear that Mom! Healthy!
It wasn’t long before I heard “Ben, it’s only been 15 minutes and you’re already bothering me!” This from Grace who is sitting in the middle of the van with Ben sitting behind her…hardly too much like old days. Ben and Grace are the same age - 11, spent two years in the same grade, same class. Slight crush on Ben’s part. AHHHHHHHH!
That first night I had plans to go out to have birthday cake for another friend’s 40th. Kids didn’t mind and it would give them all a chance to spend some quality time getting to know each other again. Emma plunked herself down on the sofa to watch music videos. Ben, being the only guy for the weekend in a houseful of females, had a friend stay over so he didn’t feel completely out of place. Dad and Alex had already taken off to the camp for some 4-wheeling. A couple of Grace’s friends came by. Everyone just seemed to pick up where they left off. It was just like old times.
Sunday was a planned trip to our cottage with one of Emma’s friends and the friend’s mom – Heather (girl) and Sandra (Mom) who also happens to be my friend as well as Lora’s. Emma wondered how tall Heather was now. Emma and Heather, 14, are friends with my oldest son, Alex. First thing they did when they got to the cottage was to compare heights. Heather’s still slightly taller and probably always will be. There was no awkward moment between these two. Again, it was just like yesterday. Really, as Sandra pointed out, there shouldn’t be any awkward moments between friends and so right she is…true friends can always find each other, they will always be together, no matter the distance in time and space. We noticed that these two always manage to just be themselves with each other. You know how there are some people you just can’t be yourself with, not the case here. They are completely comfortable being silly with each other, and really isn’t that the true test….who better to be silly with than a real friend.
It was hard to leave the cottage, everyone was having so much fun. There was food, who could forget the s’mores, water fights which somehow Sandra was the only one who managed to stay dry and a trip down the lake in the paddle boat, complete with camp songs to entertain everyone within earshot. They swam, played in the mud, ate junk, played games in the cottage, laughed, joked, talked, teased. There was a pine cone fight, I hear wet pine cones really hurt, someone got locked in the shed, someone else got locked in the outhouse - EW! it was all good.

Alex was home ahead of us. First thing Emma said to him was that his voice was deeper. He just smiled, walked past her and started to help clean out the van. Something to note, Alex wouldn't normally help clean out the van. He has been like the rest of us, patiently/impatiently waiting to see how much they have changed. After spending a few hours with Heather and Emma watching movies he agreed, Emma hasn’t changed that much, She is still Emma, she is still exactly as he remembers her.
There is now a party planned for sometime Saturday with more friends. Life is good!
So it is true, the more things change, the more they stay the same! Thank goodness!